Positive Psychology and Businesses
Improve the performance of your people; their relationship with all the stakeholders; and the public image of your business.
When managers or entrepreneurs hear that I am a positive psychology consultant, they often ask how they might benefit from positive psychology. Some also ask if my services are only for the businesses in trouble, performing poorly, and losing money. Of course, tough times make some entrepreneurs and managers more open to new ideas. Nonetheless, such situations restrict their budgets and vision, making it difficult for them to involve a consultant or invest in innovative solutions.
All businesses can benefit from positive psychological theories. If they are doing well, they can involve a positive psychology consultant to remain competitive and grow sustainably. But, if they find it difficult to stay competitive and their market share is shrinking, they should involve a positive psychology consultant before such investment becomes too difficult to make.
Assuming that entrepreneurs need to involve a consultant and are willing to invest in external advice, why should they call a positive psychology practitioner and not a different type of consultant? Apparently, if they are confident which area of their business needs improvement or which issue is hampering their growth, they should ask the help of a consultant specialising in that area. Such disciplines include; Information Technology, Finance and Banking, Accounting and Taxation, Equipment and Tools, Buildings and Properties, Transport, Utilities, etc.
But if a business wishes to improve the performance of their people (managers and employees); the relationship of their personnel with each other; the relationship of the business with their customers and suppliers; the public image of their business; the involvement of new talents; the creativity of their employees; the efficiency of their training programme; the welfare and satisfaction of their workforce; the retention of their experienced workers; the effectiveness of their advertising; the operational arrangements of the organisation; or anything else that is related to the performance and response of people who are involved in the business (the stakeholders), they should first consult a positive psychology consultant (or a specialist in human relations).
Therefore, even when the issue in question seems to be structural and technical, it is better to consult a positive psychology practitioner first to ensure that the targeted facility is the main problem and that the infrastructure and its operational framework are the only areas needing improvement. Upgrading the physical infrastructure of a business is often very expensive, and there were many cases where such investments did not bring the expected improvements.
So, if you are looking for better performance, stable growth, and sustainable profit, your first port of call should be the office of a positive psychology consultant (or someone specialising in human relations). Nearly two decades of research strongly suggests that happiness at work (which in its most comprehensive sense include; engagement, satisfaction, and meaning) will improve productivity, performance, creativity, relationships, and profit (the bottom line).
Of course, constantly feeling happy (ecstatic and joyful) is not sensible or recommended. At work, such a state of mind is exhaustive, unproductive, and detrimental. Like any other aspect of our lives, work involves a broad range of emotions that are all essential for performing effectively and living a good life. In today’s competitive and demanding market, employees should definitely have exceptional technical skills. However, they should also be mentally strong, emotionally intelligent, and professionally flexible in accepting challenging responsibilities and working effectively with diverse groups of people.
Positive psychology is not just about so-called positive emotions (e.g. happiness), but about generating better performance, having productive relationships, and developing resilience. Likewise, it’s not just about controlling our emotions but understanding them and knowing how to express them. In short, it’s about building and using emotional, social, and cultural intelligence and performing effectively in all types of situations.
Positive psychology consultants start by identifying your personal and organisational strengths, your goals and objectives, and the essence of your business. They then use positive psychological theories to draw up a road map that will help your business flourish. More importantly, they help you implement the agreed suggestions. Positive psychology consultants often work on the overriding culture of the business, but they also consider every system and each person on their own merit.
Positive psychology is an eclectic discipline that takes advantage of theories in psychology (in general), neuroscience, biology, medicine, and other scientific disciplines to ensure that its suggested interventions are firmly grounded in empirical evidence.
If you are still cynical or have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me (Reza) and arrange a free and non-obligatory meeting before deciding your next move.